That's better. Here we are, apparently on the brink of armageddon once again, just like the good old days. As if we haven't got enough to worry about. Still, lots of interesting stuff on the subject here for your reading pleasure. Wikipedia's entry on nuclear warfare is worth a look. In the spurious interests of balance I should direct you to these 'facts' refuting the potential ills of nuclear war. It's from something called 'Fort Freedom' which has vomit-inducing connotations in itself and was apparently written by some rabid anti-communist republican type. It all reminds me of a book I once had called 'Nuclear War: The Facts' in the 1980s, which was full of useful tips on how to build your own shelter at home. And yes, hiding under a table was considered a good idea. I'll try and dig it out when I get back from stocking up on bottled water and tins of corned beef.
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