Wednesday, October 04, 2006

More YouTube goodies, this time from Adam Buxton, who is part of Adam and Joe. He's the Adam part and his site has some amusing stuff on it. I'd say 'content' but that makes it sound like McDonalds. It's much more DIY and none the worse for that. He's recently done some really funny features on Charlie Brooker's Screen Wipe on BBC4 which has me laughing until I have to stop, or something less funny comes on. AB provided a spoof director's commentary-style dissection of the late night ITV 'quiz' show featuring former-Big Brother-winner Bryan Whatever. I'll try and hunt it down. You probably had to be there.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


This afternoon's offering comes from that notorious time-gobbler YouTube, from the mind of the always-brilliant Armando Ianucci. (I apologise if this first draft spelling is wrong, although I very much doubt he'll be reading. In fact, as an aside, I think I've finally worked out what this blog is for. Let's face it, the paucity of comments means even the loyal few have deserted me. And I can't really blame them. So it's not so much about what I write, the occasional pithy commentary or ballsy cultural review. Nor is the purpose of the work done here at bloodygravity to illuminate the wonderful corners of the web and signpost them for us all. Well, maybe that is the point, but my point, at least at this point - if I may point this out - is that it one day it may come into play as an insight into the way I was thinking or even attempting to keeping thoughts at bay. On any given date in the last three years or so. In fact, looking back over some of it and this holds water. Unlike the seive I recently bought. Leaked like a seive. Very disappointing.)

Anyway, after that considerable digression, follow that link from above (no, not heaven or the sky) and you can see just how little political choice we really have in
Britain today. Britain today? Don't get me started. That'll have to wait for next time.